- USA NTSC tested Only (Bundled with TP Revamped)
Bug fix, redownload
Note: The current update should be fully playable. There is also a randomizer friendly download that doubles as a no revamped version.
-Note, if updating, make sure to use a fresh ISO extraction

- Graphics Pack download, put in graphics Pack folder
NOTE: Use OpenGL backend in Cemu
- This download is for Wii U only! Do NOT mix with GC version!
- English only supported, should work with all versions though. Put Update folder in the same folder as the Code, Content, and Meta folders in Loadiine setup. SHDC SD card needed (won't work with SDXC) SDCafiine does not work with TPHD. To load, in loadiine click update and make sure "Hero of Time Edition" is selected, then click load.
Should look like this:

NOTE: For those wanting to permanently install on Wii U, paste the Code Content and Meta inside the loadiine ready game folder overwriting the files, and then use NUSPacker to make a WUP. Backup game first! FTPiiU is not recommended
WARNING!!! - Modding TPHD on Wii U in anyway breaks the Cave of shadows for unknown reasons, so it cannot be used! Please keep this in mind before using!
Introducing the VERY first character model import, and imports, for Twilight Princess - The hero of Time. This works on both GameCube, AND Wii U!
After 5 Long years of Modding Twilight Princess, and trying to get character models to be a thing, we have finally done it. Thanks to Gamma and Yoshi2 who worked on SuperBMD, especially Gamma for adding the fixes to make the models work and making the TPHelpers tool, it is finally possible. I helped too with testing and finding what certain things made it work, and discovered the issue was something with the DRW1 section, that was later confirmed by my buddy Zen. This has been a long time coming and I cannot be happier. The best part? This is tested console compatible!
I am more than happy to finally release this mod. I worked really hard on it both in artistic assets, and technical. I was able to replace all of Links outfits in some way, and the end result came out quite satisfying. I of course have the Kokiri Tunic, and the Zora tunic, but for Magic armor, I opted to use th Deity armor as an outfit (not the character!) because of the armor sound effects, and I like to think it worked quite well. A GameCube exclusive item (because of limitations) is also the golden wolf hero of time hero's shade model. To balance this out, we have a Wii U exclusive OOT Themed Kakariko village. As for his items, I decided to only do his swords and shields, leaving out his normal items and the Ordon Shield because they are more tied to the lore of this game (while they aren't in Ocarina of time).
Also taking aspects from Majora's Mask, the new Gilded sword was a decision based on the lore that the Ordon sword has, as its meant to be a gift to the royal family and is less tied to Ordon culture itself. (while the Ordon shields lore is directly tied to their culture in its description) Also, a gold sword is a fitting gift to the royal family. This also takes away a pet peeve of mine where the Ordon sword on Rusl's back somehow is the same sword Link takes, seemingly existing twice. I did also consider replacing the Ordon Shield anyway, but the Deku shield just looked really weird on his back with the gap that was unavoidable between the sword hilt and the shield.
While its obvious to match the OOT Hylian Shield with the TP counterpart, I decided to replace the wooden shield with the Hero's shield from Majora's Mask, as in that game the shield can be repeatedly replaced. I know the shield is made of metal as well, so I had to pull a pro gamer move and give it the excuse, "This shield is metal plated, but its still wood and will burn!" I know this may or may not upset people, but sometimes you gotta do what your artistic vision sees.
The only things I wasn't able to do, was replace Links voice since the tools don't exist to do that quite yet, and get some of the TPRevamped mods ported over to Wii U. If there are any Wii U ASM hacker who would like to help me out, you can contact me here or on my YouTube!
Anyway, I hope everyone enjoy's the mod, and know I put a lot of effort into it!

Last Minute Color Palette change not seen in video
Skilar Babcock - Models and textures as well as testing and importing
Jack Walker - Twilight Princess Revamped coding for GC
Sage of Mirrors (Gamma) - Creator of SuperBMD and TP Helpers
Yoshi2 - SuperBMD fork used for TPHelpers
Mystixor - Original GMX converter
KillxGaming - BMD to GMX converter - Switch Toolbox
LagoLunatic - Gamecube File Tools
Xayr - Gamecube Audio Tools
Zen - Research Partner
Pik- Original Project M Link model
BigSharkZ - Color Corrections (thanks!)
Dragonbane0 - TPHD modding information
Naxshe - Beta Testing and dumping the textures for the dolphin texture pack
Majora of Time - Nintendont testing