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 - USA NTSC tested Only

                     -Note, if updating, make sure to use a fresh ISO extraction

                     -Boss rush cut until further notice! Caused issues in main game


Known bugs: Boss rush doesnt continue after beating Stalord, and final bosses have weird cutscene skip thats supposed to be in boss rush, but also appears in normal game. Will be patched when possible!

After 2 years in development, it is finally here. It has been scrapped and redone a few times, but we are finally happy enough to release it. Introducing, Twilight Princess Revamped! This mod aims to rebalance Twilight Princess, tackling some things that people took issue with. The final result is pretty satisfying, and also should be console compatible!

So, what's changed?


-The first thing that was changed was Shielding. It is no longer automatic and has been returned to pressing the R button like Zelda games of old. No longer will you just cheese the game because the game forces you to shield. Furthermore, you can no longer attack while shielding either. More Akin to Ocarina of Times shielding, this changes the sword combat to a risk and reward system while also allowing us to remap the Shield Attack to the B button. Not only does it feel natural, it makes it feel a bit more engaging and give more power to the player.


-Instant Wolf Change after Master Sword. Hold A while standing still then press Z.


-Enemies deal more damage. This was done because both Jack Walker and I felt like enemies took far too little damage in the base game. So similarly to Hero mode in Twilight Princess HDenemies will take twice as much damage by default. Links sword damage has also been halved so that you will be able to have a bit more of a dance with your enemy instead of a just few quick swings of your sword to bypass combat. For those who worry about the double damage, fear not!


-The Magic Armor repurposed. Jack and I really struggled with what we wanted to do with this. Originally we kept the function the same but had it only rake rupees when you would get hit. But we mutually agreed invincibility just wasn't going to cut it. So, we brainstormed our ideas. In the end, we looked to Ocarina of Time and realized we could totally use the Double Defense upgrade from the end of the game. This resets the double damage from enemies to the base games standard damage, and this allowed us to have an armor that worked like a normal tunic, without making the game too easy. So for those who have too much trouble with the added damage changes, this is for you 8) Also, this makes it so anyone can wear it because it looks cool.


-Boss Rush. (CUTT FOR NOW) Since this mod is ultimately the gameplay changes that were scrapped from TomoyaHamasaki's TPHD project for dolphin, Boss rush is something that was a no brainer and was already in. Thanks to Jacks Genius, it even has an awesome little menu! Be aware, if you die, you need to start the game over, as a reset just takes you to the title screen. 



Jack Walker for doing all of the code and gameplay changes, as well as brainstorming with me. Huge, huge, huge than you to him. If you donate because of this, please add it to the note so I can forward the donation to him.

-Skilar Babcock for brainstorming and doing bug reporting, and also replacing the text to reflect the changes to the armor and shielding. 

-IssueLink for reporting a game-breaking bug with wolf Link

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