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 - Version 1.0 for Ocarina of Time 1.0 Compressed (default rom)

 - If you can't find or rip a .z64 rom, patch a 1.0 .n64 rom with this and make sure to change the file extension to .z64 when saving.

 - OOT Online 2.0, and Randomzier compatible version
If you need help, go to the official modloader discord, I dont know how to get it running personally as I had assistance bringing it to you all  :)

Hello, Skilar here! Introducing Play as Twilight Princess Link in Ocarina of time! This mod aims to recreate the TP Link experience in a more n64 style that fits in with Ocarina of Time itself! To make sure it isn't out of place, it was modeled in true n64 fashion. I aimed to make it a truly seamless experience, as if it was made by Nintendo for the original.


Changes include:

- New Link model for both Young and Adult Link

- TP Equipment: Hero's Bow, Gale Boomerang, Clawshot, Iron Boots, Redesigned Goron Sword, as well 

as the TP Variant of the Master sword
        *All items icons, descriptions, and Get item models (The chest models) made to match

-Full Link voice replacement so he sounds like TP Link. Was done very carefully to make sure each voice lined up with OOT's vocal choices

-Added bonus: Boomerang usable by adult, Tunics usable by Young Link for customization!

Due to how this mod was constructed, it is only compatible with a fresh rom. If there is a mod you want me to make it compatible for. be sure to let me know on my YouTube channel on the release video!!

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