- Configured for Switch with Atmosphere CFW
- Configured for Yuzu Emulator LayeredFS
- Magic Armor Switch Alternate. Replace any files from the above 2 downloads with this (though already preconfigured for atmosphere)
- Wii version, does not and will not have as much as the switch version. Just replaces Link, the master sword, and Hylian Shield. Use Wii Scrubber to install.
Presenting the (beta) release of the very first new imported custom player model for the game. This project started a little while before the game released. It was a first for Wii AND Switch. Before, there were only vertex edits of swords, or replacing Link with his Skyloft outfit, which has been done a few times. This mod is currently switch exclusive since the switch version allowed me to squeeze out some more polygons. Something I am rather proud of, is replicating the e3 2010 TP assets they used.
This is mod features: (not available on Wii Version)
-Replaced Link model
-Replaced Skyloft Link model
-Goddess Sword model is now the Higher poly cutscene model
-Goddess Longsword model is now the Higher poly cutscene model
-Goddess Whitesword model is now the Higher poly cutscene model
-Master Sword model is now the Higher poly cutscene model
-Wooden Shield is now the Ordon Shield with custom design upgrades
-Iron shield is now the Hero's Shield
-Sacred shield is now a custom designed TP Style Mirror shield with custom upgrades
-TP Hylian Shield in the style of Skyward Sword, using the e3 2010 model as reference
-Tp Master Sword sheath in the style of Skyward sword using e3 2010 model as reference