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MM ADult Link

 - (Bug fix Version 1.2) for Majora's Mask 1.0 Compressed (default rom)

Hello, Skilar here! Introducing Play as Adult Link in Majora's Mask! This mod replaces Young Link with Adult Link. In case you are wondering, this isn't over Fierce Deity Link, because there really is no point in trying to have 2 Links that do exactly the same thing. In the Future, I plan to have a better FD Link model that used this same model as a base. This mod is fully playable, and has all of Links hands, unlike a few that have come before it. It also includes Adult Epona, text changes, and as many animation fixes that could be found. The aim is to make it as seamless as possible, but there are those few limitations I don't know how to fix, such as the intro cut scene being wonky with adult Epona. I actually started this years ago, and wanted to do this before the Ocarina of Time version I did first. I was inspired by Fkualols mod he did for fun to do this. I hadn't realized how cool it would be to have Adult Link in MM.


Changes include:

- New Link model for Link

- Adult Voice

-All weapons scaled to Adult size

     *Sword hitboxes and spin attack effects also scaled proportionately
-Replaced important instances of "Child" with "Teenager" where possible

Added bonus:(coming soon): Master Sword replaced Razor Sword, with Razor Sword going over Kokiri Sword (because like the Kokiri sword is iconic to young Link, the Master Sword is iconic for adult Link. Rest assured you will be able to keep that, it wont break or disappear when you go back in time)

       *Razor Sword and Gilded sword are iconic to MM itself so they must remain

Due to how this mod was constructed, it is only compatible with a fresh rom. If there is a mod you want me to make it compatible for. be sure to let me know on my YouTube channel on the release video!!

-Fkualol : Finding the original Offsets for Adult Links unused hierarchy and changing Links voice to adult, among other things. Also, help fixing the manifest for FPS crashes. Also inspiring me to do this.

- Deathbasket : Porting that info to 1.0 NTSC for the randomizer

-Zel : Extracting that information from the randomizer, and finding the offsets for Zora animations to fix door opening animations

-CrookedPoe: Making original manifest for Majora's Mask

-z64me: Creating ZZConvert

-Arikitascave : Adult Epona Mod

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